Visita a Larderello dell’associazione turca YENADER per un confronto sulla geotermia
Corrosion test of geothermal scaling inhibitors on metal samples under high temperature and pressure conditions at the CEGLab The test was carried out using the reactor of the CEGLab’s autoclave static section with the aim of observing the corrosion rate caused by geothermal scaling inhibitors on metal alloy specimens. The corrosion test was carried out by immersing metal alloy specimens that constitutes geothermal piping or well casings in a control and in sample fluids, at a temperature between 200 and 230° C and a pressure of about 80 bar for 8 hours, in order to simulate the operating conditions of a geothermal well. The experimental design and the operational protocol followed for the execution of tests were developed by the CEGLab technicians, adapting procedures envisaged by the ASTM G - 111 - 97 standard (Standard Guide for Corrosion Tests in High Temperature or High Pressure Environment, or Both) to operating conditions of a geothermal plant. The obtained results were calculated in terms of mass lost due to corrosion, per square meter of surface and unit of time. These tests can support geothermal operators and chemical industry in choosing the best scaling inhibitor, in terms of effectiveness and corrosion potential on different metal alloys, as well as predict the duration of plant components. Contact the CEGLab (, in case you are interested to discover more on our services!